the Housing Bond Bill
There are two bills with eviction record sealing protections currently pending at the State House for the 2022-23 legislative session:
- H.4356 (HOMES Act), lead sponsors Senator Lydia Edwards & Rep. Michael Moran. In May 2023, the Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the bill. Many submitted testimony, including Attorney General Andrea Campbell. On February 12, 2024, the Judiciary Committee reported the HOMES Act, with favorably report and a new bill number H.4356. On March 11, the HOMES Act was ordered to a Third Reading where it has awaited action by the House for months.
- H.4138 (Governor’s Housing Bond Bill, Outside Section 47) included eviction record sealing provisions. In January 2024, the Housing Committee held a hearing on the Housing Bond Bill. Many organizations submitted testimony urging that tenants with cases that are dismissed, cases that they win, and no-fault evictions be sealed automatically. On April, the Bonding Committee held another hearing. The HOMES Advisory Committee sent similar testimony urging that Section 47 be substitute with H.4356/HOMES Act with automatic for eviction cases that are dismissed, decided in a tenant’s favor or are no-fault cases. The House eliminated eviction record sealing provisions in its version and now the Senate will take up the Housing Bond bill.